Course "Atmospheric Scenes: Step-by-step with Ilya Ibryaev"


Atmospheric Scenes: Step-by-step with Ilya Ibryaev

This is your guide by the admired master, into the world of breathing and living land- and cityscapes! From composition to perspective, from natural objects to people, and from memory to reference photos! What a great journey and over 6 paintings!


Atmospheric Scenes: Step-by-step with Ilya Ibryaev

This is your guide by the admired master, into the world of breathing and living land- and cityscapes! From composition to perspective, from natural objects to people, and from memory to reference photos! What a great journey and over 6 paintings!

Ilya Ibryaev is a globally recognized and acclaimed artist, renowned for his atmospheric landscapes and cityscapes. He has designed a course that delves deep into the art of painting and composition, providing foundational principles and key watercolor techniques. These skills will enable you to create 6 vivid, lifelike paintings.

"I paint emotional landscapes that reflect the era and the people living in that era", Ilya says about his approach.

The master will teach you how to paint landscapes swiftly and expressively, and watercolor will be your ally in achieving this.

"In watercolor, just placing a stroke of paint on paper lets it flow, come alive, and do up to 50% of the artist's work", – let's use this superpower of the medium and create amazing artworks with our instructor!

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"Ideas for paintings can be found all around us: in people, cities, and nature. The formula for success is to paint what inspires you!"

Ilya Ibryaev

Ilya Ibryaev

Author of the course

  • An amazing artist with academic education, a world-renowned watercolorist
  • An instructor with more than 20 years of teaching experience
  •  A winner and participant of a multitude of exhibitions, contests, and festivals
  • Museums and private galleries all over the world are eager to acquire his works!
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  • 17 Full HD lessons (7 hours)

  • Access 24/7 from anywhere at your convenience
  • Student’s chat in WhatsApp
  • LIFETIME access to the course

  • Bonus: 30 ArtiCoins

Price: 149€ 



  • 17 Full HD lessons (7 hours)

  • Access 24/7 from anywhere at your convenience
  • Student’s chat in WhatsApp
  • LIFETIME access to the course

  • Bonus: 30 ArtiCoins

Price: 149$ 

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Which materials do you need for the course?

  • 100% cotton watercolor paper;
  • Watercolor paints;
  • Paper towel;
  • Plastic board and tape to fix the paper;
  • Watercolor brushes;
  • Plastic palette;
  • Box of tissue paper;
  • Eraser.
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