Mood and Light in a Landscape

Paint 3 atmospheric landscapes and learn how to masterfully control water and pigment in the wet-on-wet technique

                    LIFETIME ACCESS

Airiness, lightness, transparency, the thinnest color layer and miraculous washes – this is the charm of watercolor, its uniqueness that makes it stand out against other mediums.

Together with Ilya Ibryaev, you will paint 3 delightful landscapes  in a gentle misty haze. Ilya's technique wins the hearts of thousands of people from all over the world, his work on wet paper without long glazing, but with saturated colors is amazing!

In our course, you will master Ilya's approach, learn how to build harmonious compositions, control water and pigment, and not just copy photos, but convey the state of nature, reflect your own emotions in it, and turn ordinary scenes into real masterpieces!

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Ilya Ibryaev

Author of the course

  • An amazing Russian artist with academic education, a world-renowned watercolorist
  •  A member of the International Watercolor Society and the Artists Union of Russia, an IWS representative in Russia
  • More than 20 years of teaching experience
  •  A winner and participant of a multitude of exhibitions, contests, and festivals
  • Museums and private galleries all over the world are eager to acquire his works
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Which materials do you need for the course?

  • 100% cotton watercolor paper;
  • Watercolor paints;
  • Paper towel;
  • Plastic board and tape to fix the paper;
  • Watercolor brushes;
  • Plastic palette;
  • Box of tissue paper;
  • Masking tape;
  • Eraser.
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