Course "Abstract and stylized paintings with watercolor"


by Sterling Edwards

Abstract and stylized paintings with watercolor

Learn to make effective abstract paintings, develop your imagination, and find your own inimitable style


  Language:  English

ONLINE COURSE by Sterling Edwards

Abstract and stylized paintings with watercolor

Learn to make effective abstract paintings, develop your imagination, and find your own inimitable style


Language: English

"I have been a professional artist for over forty years and have in the last twenty years gravitated more towards abstract design. The biggest problem that most of my students encounter is letting go of the concept that everything has to be representational and well-drawn.

Abstract art is often composed of random and unrecognizable shapes that create interest and leave room for interpretation. Students will learn how to find interesting shapes and build upon them to create an abstract design".

Meet your instructor

Sterling Edwards

  • Sterling Edwards is a contemporary watercolor master, instructor, author, and art juror.
  • He has been featured in "Watercolor Magic Magazine's" “Ones to Watch”, "Watercolor Artist Magazine", and "The New Palette Magazine".
  • He has developed a unique and expressive style of painting that has gained international recognition and the respect of his peers, students, and art collectors.
  •  Most of Sterling’s paintings are interpretive statements that personify his intuitive and creative sense of design and color, ranging from abstract expressionism to traditional.
  • He is a sought-after international workshop instructor and is often selected to jury national and international art competitions.
  • He is also the designer of a signature line of multimedia paintbrushes and a watercolor palette marketed internationally through his website store, painting workshops, and retail art supply stores.
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Certificates of completion

Upon completion of the course for the students (Premium plan), we issue a certificate. The certificate could be used as proof of your qualification's upgrade at work (if it is related to arts) and for your private affairs as a recognition of your mastery of watercolor. 

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Which materials do you need for the course?

  • Watercolor paper;
  • Assorted brushes in varying sizes;
  • A selection of colors including black;
  • Two pans for water;
  • A roll of paper towels and a roll of toilet tissue;
  • A mounting board if working with loose sheets of paper;
  • A pencil and an art eraser;
  • A drawing pad for sketches;
  • Tape to mount the loose paper to a board;
  • A selection of 5-10 magazine pages that have photographs;
  • Any other watercolor tools or materials you usually use.
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